February and March can be brutally cold, so in this issue we spend some time by the fire, reflecting on the grand adventure that is the upland hunting lifestyle.
For starters, how about a little snipe hunting in the far reaches of Scotland, a place so remote even the snipe get lost. To warm your cockles after that coastal adventure, we’ll settle in by the fire to forge some barrels for the next installment of our series on London Best shotguns, page 54. Crossing the pond, we’ll take a closer look at the story behind Kevin’s, one of North America’s premier upland retailers and purveyor of fine shotguns, beginning on page 62.
After all the travel, you’ll no doubt be hungry, so we’ll dive deep into the heart of New Orleans for some local fare and neighborhood feel. Find Big Taste in the Big Easy on page 72. We might even finish dinner off with a nice rum, an all but forgotten upland spirit, and a reminder that, where cigars are concerned, size matters.
As we gather around the fire pit to swap stories and tell lies, we’ll look at conservation through the eyes of kids on their first pheasant hunt, and then we’ll take an adult look at the first decade of successful conservation efforts of Quail Coalition. Find those on pages 80 and 88, respectively. We’ll hunt over Munsterlanders, explore artistic expression through carved feathers, and even get a dog’s take on puppy love. Find it on page 46.
So stoke the fire, freshen the beverage, and send the dog for the slippers. Tell the world to step aside for a moment. There will be plenty of time for mortgages and power bills tomorrow. Today, right now, is Covey Rise time. Welcome. We’re glad you’re here.