Covey Rise
Vol. 12 Num. 3
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April-May 2024 Edition
Spring is in the air, and summer will soon be upon us. With these realities in mind, we assembled some light reads that offer both escape and refreshment. If we have to wait until bird season starts again, we might as well do so comfortably, with drink in hand and hammock swaying in the breeze—or your favorite chair in the den. That works, too.
In this issue of Covey Rise, Andrew Bogan brings us dreams for the future and visions of the past. African bird hunting is something that many of us aspire to, and he tells the tale of his family’s adventure with his characteristic precision and humor. Separately, Bogan weaves a story about the history of shotgunning and target shooting that will leave you glassy-eyed in disbelief. We take technological advancements for granted until we look back at what we used to do. Stacy Lyn Harris gets her family involved in the hunting and cooking, and the resulting plates are comfort for the soul. Our piece on Sea Island Forge recounts a Promethean myth as a metaphor for the wonder that a primitive experience done so well can mean to a patio near you. And the epic clothing created by Ed Shaikh at Hadleigh’s of Dallas is almost otherworldly, blending high fashion with traditional lines and function.
Our conservation column, the second part of the series, connects market gunning with conservation efforts in the early parts of the last century, developments that allow us to revel in the sport today. And speaking of revelry, our “Getting Out There” column looks at the many reasons we should do just that, get out there…food, fellowship, and fodder for the stories that define the human experience. Thanks for sharing your stories with us and taking the time to enjoy ours.
Cover by Sarah Farnsworth
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